FASTER DELIVERY TIME!! With no preservatives, our baked goods don’t last long. We want you to have as long to enjoy them as possible! FedEx delivers 7 days a Week to most areas of the US, which cuts weekend delays greatly! FedEx is faster in transit to our Flat Rate Ground Shipping areas! Express Is […]
This recipe is versatile and free of most top allergens and DELICIOUS!! You Only Need Two Things to Make these AWESOME sandwiches…. * Organic Bread of Heaven Chocolate Chip Cake Muffins * Your Favorite Ice Cream (Ours Is Below) …. but to make the complete recipe as we LOVE, you can use our favorite ice […]
When We Choose Our Food, It Is So Important We Check All the Ingredients On the Label Right?! Yes, we do!! This is so important AND watch out for hidden ingredients like Natural Flavors, etc… But there is something you may not have thought about… Are There Really Preservatives In Bags?? We have been persistently contacted […]
Checking Your Sprouted Bread Labels Is SO Important!! You may be surprised to hear this, but it is so true!! Have you ever noticed unsprouted ingredients in your “Sprouted Bread”? Take the time, Check Your Labels! Vital Wheat Gluten Is NOT Sprouted!!! Vital Wheat Gluten is found in the majority of bread you will find! […]
1. Cook Up Some of Our Delicious OBOH Sourdough Pasta! (Bring water to boiling. Add pasta and cook for 5-8 minutes) 2. Warm Up Your Favorite Pasta Sauce! (Add some Sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms, if desired! We do!) 3. Make Some Quick Garlic Bread (Add a few cloves of fresh garlic to a small amount […]
You’ll love this AMAZING recipe!! It can only be this delicious with our REAL Sourdough Pasta! Awesome Sourdough Pasta Casserole 1 package OBOH Sourdough Rigatoni or Elbow Pasta of your choice 1/2 jar pasta sauce 6 oz. baby spinach 4 oz mushrooms, sliced 1 tsp garlic salt Salt & Pepper to taste 1 cup shredded “cheese” […]
Here’s A Few Reasons Our Customers Choose Our REAL Sourdough! Hear It From Our Biggest Fans!! Check Out Our Reviews Page For More!! Our customers report REAL Sourdough is easier to digest!! From Jahnika P. – Oh, I absolutely love these bagels!!! They taste wonderful, and that means so much to me being that I am gluten sensitive, […]
Our family’s TWO FAVORITE Oils are Olive Oil & Coconut Oil! Just A Few Quick Reasons We Choose Olive Oil Olive Oil is one of the oldest known oils. It is even referenced throughout the Bible! We choose the purest form, which is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Olive Oil Is Rich In Healthy Monounsaturated Fats, […]
A lot has been going on in the allergy community and we know sometimes it’s harder than ever to navigate food allergies!! We are still dedicated to keeping you and your family SAFE! We are:Nut Free – Peanut & Tree Nut Free (but we do use Coconut Oil)Egg FreeDairy FreeSoy FreeSesame FreeCelery FreeMustard FreePoppy FreeBarley […]
Have You Ever Really Looked At the Ingredients In Your Protein Bars??!! We did!! That’s why we so carefully chose only a few of the absolute best quality ingredients for our REAL FOOD Protein Bars!! We really care about what you eat! It’s exactly the same way our family eats too!! When shopping for protein […]