Take Advantage of Our 2 Day Shipping!

NOW Offering Flat Rate 2 Day Shipping!!

Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Be Sure You Get Your Bread FRESH!!!!

Our Real Bread with no preservatives doesn’t last in this heat with Ground shipping. Our family is dedicated to quality and we will not compromise on our ingredients and use preservatives. We have partnered with UPS and FedEx to be able to offer you the best flat rate possible for 2 Day. 

Small/Medium orders are a flat rate of $14.99 
Large orders of any size are a flat rate of $28.99 

We are so happy you will still be able to get our bread SO FRESH and all year around no matter where in the US you live!! 

Thank you so much for choosing our family’s bakery!! Please contact us with any questions at all!! 

– The Brunos


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