Dedicated FREE Bakery!
Thank you so much for choosing our family’s bakery! Our top priority is to bake you and your family the BEST quality bread possible!… And Keep You SAFE!
What Allergens Is Our Bakery Completely FREE OF?
We are a dedicated free facility of the following allergens… We are:
Dairy FREE
Sesame FREE
Mustard FREE
Poppy FREE
Animal Product FREE
There is No Cross Contamination with the Above Allergens In Our Bakery
We are very dedicated to keeping all of these allergens completely out of our facility. Our bakery is only used to bake our baked goods which are free of the above. We do not use shared lines. None of these allergens enter the building, not even in the lunch room or delivery vehicles!! Our employees follow our thorough hand washing and sanitation procedures before baking and between every batch.
P.s. We do Use Coconut Oil in Our Bakery as this is the healthiest oil we can find and is typically safe even with Nut Allergies. Always ask your allergist if in doubt.
We are FREE of these allergens to keep YOU & Your Loved Ones SAFE! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or to discuss any allergens not mentioned!
We LOVE Baking For YOU!
-The Brunos
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